17. apr. 2016


På fredag var Leah i bursdag til 4 klassevenninner, og bursdagen ble feiret i Aquarama!

Leah ville selv velge gavene og hun fant det hun ville ha på TGR/Tiger. Der fant vi også disse kule gaveposene med vann-tema, og det passet jo perfekt!
Syns det er så fint å gi bort gaver i gaveposer, så da la vi bare litt hvitt silkepapir rundt selv gaven og puttet det rett oppi posen. Enkelt og veldig fint!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

St. Charles Borromeo, in the first Synod of Milan, put the Tridentine decree into execution, and drew up a list of video games which were forbidden to the clergy, and another list of people who were allowed. Among these which he forbade weren't solely dicing in varied varieties, but in addition video games something like our croquet and soccer. Other explicit councils 바카라 declared that playing in} at cube and playing cards was unbecoming and forbidden to clerics, and generally they forbade all video games which were unbecoming to the clerical state. Thus, a council held at Bordeaux in 1583 decreed that the clergy were to abstain altogether from playing in} in public or in private at cube, playing cards, or any other forbidden and unbecoming sport.